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Forced to dig their own graves

Anders Högström 24 years old, Karlskrona.

Per-Anders Johansson 29 years old, Göteborg.

Mattias Karlsson 25 years old, Uppsala.

Miitri Lehto 24 years old, Västerås .
Filip Jelder 23 years old, Stockholm.

Marko Järvinen 26 years old, Helsingborg.

Nicklas Karmhagen 27 years old, Malmö .

Andreas Johansson 22 years old, Trollhättan.
Two days after Möller was sentenced at the court of appeals, the policeman is again threatened. In a hut at the landlot where he has his vegetable garden, somebody puts up a threatening message written with blood red ink.
  Next to the message there is an apple with a kind of firework stuck into it.
  In May 1998, three other Hells Angels members-Niklas Karmhag, Jonas Granborg and Jimmy Jonsson-commit a serious crime. They kidnap a businessman and his brother and assault them, to get them to cancel a claim. The businessman contacts the police and tells them how he and his brother were forced to dig their own graves at a deserted place outside town. About two months later, a remote triggered bomb explodes under his car when he stops at a red light. The man suffers profound injuries.
  The police is still investigating the crime and the businessman has gone underground.
  In the summer of 1998, a serious crime is committed by Rickard Grener, a member of the Hells Angels.
  He seriously abuses a person physically. A policeman witnesses the incident and apprehends Grener. He is under arrest for some time and last December is sentenced, among other charges, for assault.
  The policeman present when the crime took place is a witness at the trial. When his deposition is over, Grener asks him where he lives. The judge stops the question.
  Later on, another unknown person contacts the central automobile database and asks questions about the policeman's car. The person also asks questions about the prosecutor in Grener's case. On January 5 this year, the car is blown up. The same week the prosecutor's summer house is set on fire.
  The climax of the violence and threat wave is the car bomb in Malmö, on July 1. The police suspect that the bomb is a revenge for an action against the so-called Hells Angels tail, a group of people that move in the circles around the mc club.
  But the deeds do not end here.
  In the early hours of August 24, a policeman responsible for the work against criminal mc gangs is woken up by a crash. Someone has thrown a large stone into his living room.

Higher status from committing crimes
On September 12, a correctional officer at Kumla prison is next. Somebody shoots at his house with an automatic weapon. Ten days earlier, the man was threatened by a Hells Angels member at the prison, when he refused to let the prisoner receive visitors.
  The Nazi groups are structured in about the same way as the mc gangs. The members get higher status by committing various types of criminal actions.
  This is said by Peter Torstensson, who is a local policeman i Grums in Värmland. He has earlier worked in Stockholm and Rinkeby and has closely encountered mc criminality as well as racist criminality. When he moved home to Värmland he thought that it would be calmer. One or another bootlegger, but no Nazi.
  That was not the case.
  Last summer he was commanded to an unruly dance event in one of the local amusement halls. Ten or so high school boys with Nazi sympathies had amused themselves by pestering an immigrant boy of the same age. It should have been a routine job.
  But the young Nazis became very aggressive.
  -The Nazi boys were hailing the murders in Malexander and made Nazi salutations. They shouted "Hail Malexander" and threatened to shoot us and blow up our cars, says Peter Torstensson.
  He has seen how they Nazis are "holding their tails significantly higher" after the Malexander murders.
  -I have always liked my job as a police officer, but I am thinking more and more about my choice of profession. I feel that few are taking us seriously when we tell them about what is happening out here.
  Three Nazis in the ages of 16-17 years were sentenced one month ago by the local court (Karlstad tingsrätt) for persecution of ethnic groups and for threatening the policemen in Grums. The sentences vary from 20 to 40 hours of juvenile service and also include care within the social service.
  The incidents in Grums are in a way typical for the Nazi mobilisation in Sweden. Action-groups are organised in small towns among identity seeking individuals.

- Pay attention to this man. Something will happen to him. We have to get him if he pulls this through. Find out his name, mark him.
Thomas Möller, leader of Hells Angels